Sam Potolicchio for FLEX Alumni
13 октября 2013 (вс), 15:00 18:00

Место проведения
Москва, Калужская площадь, д.1

13 октября 2013 (Воскресенье), 15:00

Sam Potolicchio for FLEX Alumni

Sam Potolicchio is giving his lecture "Are you on the global leadership track?" EXCLUSIVELY for FLEX Alumni, also we invite other USG alumni October 13, 3 p.m. Russian State Children Library
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The topic of Sam’s lecture is "Are you on the global leadership track?" 
Learn what knowledge, skills, and habits you need to develop to become a Global Leader.

You have a unique opportunity to meet an amazing speaker and teacher who was named as the Best Proffesor of America in 2012 this Sunday, October 13 

Sam Potolicchio, bio:

Professor and Department Chair in Global Leadership Studies at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and President of the Preparing Global Leaders Summit

Dr. Sam Potolicchio is currently a lecturer on American Politics at Georgetown University’s Global Education Institute where he lectures to high-level government officials and businessmen. He also teaches politics, public policy and research methods for the Semester in Washington Program at Georgetown. In addition, Dr. Potolicchio is the Distinguished Professor and Chair in Global Leadership Studies at the Russian Presidential Academy as well as founder, president and academic director for the Preparing Global Leaders Summit in Moscow at the Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economy and Public Administration.

Dr. Potolicchio is also the official lecturer on American Federalism at the Open World Leadership program housed in the United States Library of Congress. He has won numerous teaching awards including the K. Patricia Cross Award from the American Association of Colleges and Universities and was named by the Princeton Review as one of the “Best Professors in America” in 2012. Dr. Potolicchio was educated at Georgetown University and Harvard University.


The room is a conference room on the second floor. We will meet you. Or please call me 8 963 682 17 36

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